Donor Stories

Learn how other DU members have made an impact through their acts of giving to our organization.
Ohio Couple is Leading a Legacy for Great Lakes Waterfowl
John Cleek's lifelong passion for waterfowl began on the marshes of Lake Erie and continues today on neighboring Lake St. Clair. These experiences inspired John and his wife, Jackie, to lead a legacy for Great Lakes waterfowl as Platinum Feather Society members.
A Life of Giving Back: Daniel Monen III
Daniel Monen III was born in Houston, Texas, but spent most of his 72 years in Omaha, Nebraska. He is described as a person whose uniqueness was matched only by the breadth of his kindness. Daniel was known for...
Barb Sizer - Where There's a Will, There's a Way
Barb Sizer has grown "up and older" in southern Minnesota. "My involvement with DU began in the early 1990's...
A Different Way to Give
Brian Rees and his wife Julie are active volunteers with Ducks Unlimited and have been supporting wetlands conservation for more than 30 years.
A Lifetime of Volunteering
Major Sponsors Dale and Linda Doubler have dedicated their lives to volunteering and conservation.
Hunting is a Way of Life
For Dr. Gary and Janis Grover, hunting has been a way of life. In Gary's family, the tradition goes back several generations with...
Dream Job Banding Ducks
In May 1974, John Tautin's dream job of working as a wildlife biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in migratory bird...
Dee Bailey's Retained Life Estate with Charitable Gift Annuity
Adjacent to the Tuckahoe River in southern New Jersey, Dian 'Dee' Bailey's 160-acre property is a mix of wetlands, woods and...
David Schwarzmeier, An Investment in Future Generations
Feather Society member David Schwarzmeier thought long and hard about making Ducks Unlimited a part of his estate...
A Lifetime of Giving
Peter Jackson has been hunting for as long as he can remember and still has his original Ducks Unlimited membership card from...
Make a Major Gift with Minimal Effort
Longtime volunteers and major sponsors Jerry and Bobbi Harris are using charitable contributions from their IRA to support the ducks.
Best Bang for the Buck for the Ducks
John Calder of Loveland, Ohio, is a great supporter of the ducks. Since 1990 he has been a member...
Passionate About the Prairies
Two generous conservationists from Wilmette, Illinois, have committed $200,000 from their estate to Ducks Unlimited for the Charlotte Adelman and Bernard L. Schwartz Mola Prairie and Wetland Preserve.
Life Insurance Policy for the Ducks
A familiar face to many at Ducks Unlimited, Chip Heaps has contributed to the organization as a volunteer and staff member for decades.
Flexible Deferred Gift Annuity
Lewis is a 54-year-old executive at a large healthcare company. He purchased company stock during years when the stock price was low, and now the stock has grown substantially.
Peace of Mind Gift Annuity
Many years ago, Clara bought a home. Since she was so pleased with the home, she decided to buy stock in the company that built it.
Sale and Unitrust
Gene and Carol purchased stock in a small medical service company several years ago. Now, Gene and Carol are looking for a way to save taxes.
The Retirement Unitrust
Mary grew up on a farm. When her parents passed away, she inherited the farm. Now, several developers would like to build homes on the farmland.
Part Gift and Part Sale
Susan and Kevin bought their first home many years ago. They had planned to build a second home so that their children could spend their summers along the lake.
Deferred Gift Annuity
Several years ago Larry and Allison invested $30,000 in what they believed to be an attractive stock. It turned out to be a very wise decision.